
James and Pearl Slaybaugh started the process of creating a racetrack on their Carpinteria Bluffs property in 1946. A year later in 1947, their dream was a reality.

James and Pearl Slaybaugh started the process of creating a racetrack on their Carpinteria Bluffs property in 1946. A year later in 1947, their dream was a reality. Races were held on Monday nights, and the roar from the track could be heard from the Rincon to Old Town. Midget cars were featured, at first, but shifted to jalopies by 1950. Two deaths related to the midget cars were too probably much for Carpinterians to endure. 

This early photo during the midget car racing years of the Carpinteria Thunderbowl was taken from the grandstand that was said to hold about 6,000 people. This is, perhaps, the best photo available showing the glory of a race in action, five speeding cars bunched closely together curving around the racetrack. 

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